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Showing posts from August, 2013

Opting to choose best resume writing services

With the increasing number of job opportunities, finding a good job is easy. You need to work on your resume in a professional way that it provides all your skills, capabilities and work experience to place you in a good placement. While there are many resume writing services, you wish to choose the best resume writer who can include the best content and give a professional thorough look and presentation to the resume. In this pace, you can request resume writer to forward a draft copy of resume so that you can discuss what improvements are required for your resume. Seeking a senior placement or middle level placement definitely requires a lot of working on your resume as an employer would like to find more abilities, accomplishments and efficiency in your work experience. Therefore,  you must make sure that you choose the best resume writer who has not only good experience in resume writing but should be able to assess about your success in the new job. Ch

What not to include in your resume ?

Your resume is a document proof about your education and work experience. As a fresh graduate or as an experienced employee, you have a lot of better scope to write a winning resume that assures you good job. But while writing your resume, you should make sure that you must understand about the dos and dont's of in your resume. Apart from your name, address, mobile #, email, education, internship training, projects and activities,  it is important for you to know what not to include in your resume. You can easily avoid resume writing mistakes   and this will bring a very successful job.        - Never overstate the truth on your resume       - Never include negative information on your resume        - Never include salary information         - Never present a resume with errors     - Never include reasons for leaving job     - Never submit a resume that is difficult to read     - Never include a vague or unclear objective in your resume